The Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital and Organizational Knowledge

Published by Oxford University Press, New York.

66 contributors; 11 countries; 27 original chapters; 14 reprint chapters with new commentaries.

748 pages; 4 halftones and 129 line illustrations; ISBN: 0-19-513866-X.

Edited by
Chun Wei Choo

Faculty of Information

University of Toronto

Nick Bontis

DeGroote School of Business

McMaster University

'A well-balanced illustration of the concepts that surround the strategic management of intellectual capital and knowledge, with interesting and relevant papers arranged into logical sections and chapters throughout the book.' - Managing Information

'An excellent overview of the range of theoretical perspectives and research undertaken to date ... One of the most useful aspects of the book is that the knowledge building blocks (or the history of intellectual capital) are described in a logical order, which help the reader understand and interpret current thinking surrounding intellectual capital.' - Managing Information

The book is available in Google Book Search here. The full Table of Contents is here.

View the book's catalog page at OUP or the book's page at Amazon US, Amazon Canada, Amazon UK.

Book published on March 22nd, 2002.

CONTRIBUTORS (in alphabetical order):

Paul Adler

Marshall School of Business

University of Southern California

Forthcoming Organization Science Article with New Commentary: Market, Hierarchy, and Trust: The Knowledge Economy and the Future of Capitalism

Melissa Appleyard

School of Business Administration

Portland State University

1996 SMJ/1999 JKM Article with New Commentary: Knowledge Diffusion and Flow in Semiconductor Industry

Vincent Barabba

John Pourdehnad

Russell Ackoff

General Motors Corp

University of Pennsylvania

The Wharton School

Original Chapter: Above and Beyond Knowledge Management

Paul Bierly III

Paula Daly

College of Business

James Madison University

Original Chapter: Aligning HRM Practices and Knowledge Strategies: A Theoretical Framework

Frank Blackler

Lancaster University

Management School

1995 Organization Studies Article with New Commentary:

Knowledge, Knowledge Work, and Organizations

Max Boisot

Birmingham Business School

Original Chapter: The Creation and Sharing of Knowledge

Chong Ju Choi

Anastasios Karamanos

NGSM, Australian National University

CBR, University of Cambridge

Original Chapter: Knowledge and the Internet: Lessons from Cultural Industries

Claudio Ciborra

Rafael Andreu

London School of Economics

IESE, University of Navarra

Original Chapter: Knowledge Across Boundaries: Managing Knowledge in Distributed Organizations

Kathleen Conner

C K Prahalad

University of Michigan

School of Business

1996 Organization Science Article: A Resource-Based Theory of the Firm: Knowledge Versus Opportunism

Mary Crossan

John Hulland

Ivey School of Business

University of Western Ontario

Katz Graduate School of Business

University of Pittsburgh

Original Chapter: Leveraging Knowledge Through Leadership of Organizational Learning

Donna DeCarolis

LeBow College of Business

Drexel University

Original Chapter: The Role of Social Capital and Organizational Knowledge in Enhancing Entrepreneurial Opportunities in High Technology Environments

Charles Despres

Daniele Chauvel

International Institute of Management

Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers

Original Chapter: Knowledge, Context, and the Management of Variation

Harald Fischer

Joseph Porac

James B. Wade

Joyce Brown

Michael DeVaughn

Alaina Kanfer

Stern School of Business, New York University;

McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University;


Original Chapter: Mobilizing Knowledge In Interorganizational Alliances

Raghu Garud

Arun Kumaraswamy

Smeal College of Business

Penn State University

Fox School of Business

Temple University

1995 SMJ Article with New Commentary: Technological and Organizational Designs to Achieve Economies of Substitution

Robert Grant

McDonough School of Business

Georgetown University

Original Chapter: The Knowledge-Based View of the Firm

Brian Hackett

The Conference Board

Chapter adapted from the Conference Board Report: Beyond Knowledge Management - New Ways to Work (2000)

Constance Helfat

Ruth Raubitschek

Amos Tuck School of Business Administration

Dartmouth College

US Department of Justice

2000 SMJ Article with New Commentary: Product Sequencing: Co-evolution of Knowledge, Capabilities and Products

Ard Huizing

Wim Bouman

University of Amsterdam

Original Chapter: Knowledge and Learning, Markets and Organizations: Managing the Information Transaction Space

Kazuo Ichijo

IMD Business School

Original Chapter: Knowledge Exploitation and Knowledge Exploration: Two Strategies for Knowledge Creating Companies

Anne Marie Knott

Olin School of Business

Washington University in St. Louis

Original Chapter: Exploration and Exploitation as Complements

Seija Kulkki

Center for Knowledge and Innovation Research

Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration

Original Chapter: Knowledge Creation in Global Companies

Dorothy Leonard

Sylvia Sensiper

Harvard Business School

1998 CMR Article with New Commentary: Tacit Knowledge in Group Innovation

Sharon Matusik

Leeds School of Business

University of Colorado at Boulder

Original Chapter: Managing Public and Private Firm Knowledge Within the Context of Flexible Firm Boundaries

Will Mitchell

Joel Baum

Jane Banaszak-Holl

Whitney B. Berta

Dilys Bowman

Duke University Fuqua School of Business

University of Michigan Business School

University of Toronto Rotman School of Management

University of Michigan School of Public Health

University of Toronto Dept of Health Administration

Original Chapter: Opportunity and Constraint: Chain-to-Component Transfer Learning in Multiunit Chains of US Nursing Homes 1991-1997

Mihnea Moldoveanu

Rotman School of Management

University of Toronto

Original Chapter: Epistemology in Action: A Framework for Understanding Organizational Due Diligence Processes

Janine Nahapiet

Sumantra Ghoshal

Templeton College, Oxford

London Business School

1998 AMR Article: Social Capital, Intellectual Capital, and the Organizational Advantage

Ikujiro Nonaka

Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy

Hitotsubashi University

1994 Organization Science Article: A Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation

Steve Pike

Anna Rylander

Goran Roos

Intellectual Capital Services

Original Chapter: Intellectual Capital Management and Disclosure

Ron Sanchez

Copenhagen Business School

Original Chapter: Modular Product and Process Architectures: Frameworks for Strategic Organizational Learning

Deborah Sole

Amy Edmondson

Harvard Business School

Original Chapter: Bridging Knowledge Gaps: Learning in Geographically Dispersed Cross-functional Development Teams

J. C. Spender

School of Management

Cranfield University

Original Chapter: Knowledge, Strategic Problems, and The Theory of The Firm

William Starbuck

Stern School of Business

New York University

1993 JMS Article with New Commentary: Keeping a Butterfly and an Elephant in a House of Cards

Katsuhiro Umemoto

Graduate School of Knowledge Science

Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Original Chapter: Managing Existing Knowledge is Not Enough: Knowledge Management Theory and Practice in Japan

Georg von Krogh

Simon Grand

SMI, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich

Original Chapter: From Economic Theory Towards A Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm: Conceptual Building Blocks

Sidney Winter

Gabriel Szulanski

The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Original Chapter: Leveraging Knowledge by Replicating Routines

Youngjin Yoo

Ben Torrey

Fox School of Business, Temple University


Original Chapter: National Culture and Knowledge Sharing in a Global Learning Organization: A Case Study

Michael Zack

College of Business Adminstration

Northeastern University, Boston

1999 CMR Article with New Commentary: Developing a Knowledge Strategy